Is this week’s installment potentially going to alienate people who’ve never been around D&D or other tabletop games?
Yeah, I suppose it might.
But I make no attempts to hide my blatant nerdiness. And when my original idea started verging in this direction, there was really no stopping it.
(Besides, are you really going to give a poor girl recovering from reconstructive elbow surgery at this very moment crap over her choice of aesthetics? You monster!)
Therapy: A necessary evil in life.
You have to do it. Because it’s good for you. Or something along those lines. (I forget what my therapist said in the beginning. Personally, I think at this point he simply enjoys receiving a weekly check)
Does that mean you should sit back and suffer in abject misery through every session?
Those appointments are ingrained in your life. You might as well make them enjoyable.
And what’s more fun than games?
Stickers! (Duh)
Why not combine the two?
Yes, now you can reward yourself with these adorable stickers—assuming, of course, you’ve managed to hit their indicated milestones.
Let’s start with an easy goal. After all, no one says you have to follow through on that promise.
Do you even have to try for this one? Happens every time that therapist opens their mouth, am I right?
It’s bound to happen eventually. Why not get something for the humiliation? (Stickers fix everything, in case you didn’t know)
We’re still setting the bar pretty low here. (Because everyone deserves stickers)
Look at you swallowing your pride and trotting out a new story in favor of the same tired old lines! You’ve definitely earned a reward (possibly that teary one, too, depending on how far you were willing to go)
But now it’s time for a challenge. Do you have it in you to earn this sticker?
Yes, those stickers are getting harder to come by (can’t simply give all of them away). But if you want the complete set, you’re going to have to work for them—at least once.
Is your therapist one of the touchy-feely sorts? Do you manage to pull off a hug filled with complete and utter malice they never notice? There’s a sticker for that!
Therapists are tricky creatures. Sometimes they see through your carefully cultivated mask. But if you’re smart enough to fool them, you deserve this sticker.
Here it is: the crowning glory of all stickers! What do you have to do to earn it? Frankly, that’s best not shared with polite company. But display this trophy with pride!
These are my original artwork. And I do NOT permit the use of ANY of these designs for merchandise of ANY kind. All rights remain with me, and they are NOT licensed for resale. Please respect my hard work. Thank you for not reusing these images without permission.
Incidentally, if you love the idea of these stickers, consider popping over to and sharing my Ko-Fi:
With enough support, I can create a genuine sticker sheet (or set of stickers) of these guys. (Just saying)